The Health Equity Partnership
Hear straight from the partnership members about their project to focus on reaching members of the community in Lewisham. community members that that may of fallen out of healthcare or require additional information to assist in accessing healthcare services in the borough.
This project is organised by Red Ribbon Living Well and North Lewisham Primary Care Network and funded by Public Health Lewisham
Video Created by Fizzy Vortex
The Red Ribbon National Anthem?
Red Ribbon at the moonshot event in NewCross clebrating
Community health hub in Lewisham
Hear from the organisers, supporters and stall holders about what residents of Lewisham can get done at the Community Health Hub, the one stop shop for a variety of health checks and the place to obtain information about a variety of health conditions and community services
This project is organised by Red Ribbon Living Well and North Lewisham Primary Care Network and funded by Public Health Lewisham
Video Created by Fizzy Vortex
Deptford People’s Heritage Museum
Goldsmiths Department of Visual.
King's College and St Thomas Hospital.
Proud of Feather
Holistic Women
Lewisham Black Voluntary Network